Volunteer Sign up


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* Required

Please enter at least one phone number in this format (123) 456-7891
* Required
* Required

The following information is used only for reporting aggregate numbers to our funders

For reporting purposes, your date of birth is important to us. Please enter as mm/dd/yyyy. Day field may be listed as '01'.
* Required

* Required
* Required
* Required
* Required
* Required
* Required

* Required

If you are enrolled as an Eras volunteer, you may be covered by supplementary accident and liability insurance, at no cost to you. Although this is not a substitute for your own insurance coverage, it covers you in case of personal injury to yourself or others while you are working at your assignment. Please designate your beneficiary.

* Required
* Required

Eras provides excess accident and auto liability insurance in addition to your insurance, which may cover you on your way to, during, and from volunteering with Eras. Our funding sources require that we have insurance information on file for ALL volunteers due to liability purposes.

Please list two non-family references

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* Required
* Required
* Required

What is your availability? Choose your general availability and you can enter specific times below each day drop down

Eras is a sponsor of the National Service Program, RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program). RSVP Volunteers focus on unmet needs in Milwaukee County and Waukesha County. By selecting "Yes" I am confirming that I am 55 or older and I agree to be a part of this program
* Required

Please click the link below to open the Volunteer Handbook into a separate tab.  After reading the handbook, please follow the instructions on the last page under Volunteer Agreement and Receipt of Handbook (Page 29).

Eras Volunteer Handbook with Youth Protection Policy

Volunteer Agreement: I understand that the information provided above is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that knowingly providing false information or omitting information will result in denial or termination of volunteer activities and other penalties as provided under the law. I also understand that I am not an employee of Eras Senior Network, it's sponsors, stations, or the Federal Government and agree to serve without compensation. If you are 18 or older: I acknowledge that a criminal and driving background check and sex offender search will be performed to be considered as a volunteer with Eras Senior Network. I agree that any information regarding a client learned through conversations or contained in a client's file is confidential information. No information should be released to anyone (including family members) without proper authorization. Any volunteer that violates the confidentiality of any client will be terminated from volunteering at Eras Senior Network.

* Required
* Required

Parental/Guardian Consent: I give my consent for my child named above to provide volunteer services to Eras Senior Network.
(required if applicant is under 18 years of age)

Photo Consent: I, hereby give Eras Senior Network specific permission to: publish copyright, distribute and/or display photographic images of me taken throughout my volunteering. I release and discharge Eras Senior Network from any and all liability by virtue of distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion and/or use in composite form, whether the same is intentional, or otherwise.

* Required
* Required